Think Alpha, Talk Alpha, Promote Alpha

Brother Michael Raynard Mayberry
Candidate for 15th District Director
I, Brother Michael Raynard Mayberry, Life Member #14996 greet you in the illustrious name of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. I am writing you today to officially announce my candidacy for the 15th Alabama District Director. After much prayer, brotherly consultation, and family support; I have decided to move forward and launch my campaign efforts to secure your support and further advance the District of Alabama. It is my hope that given my experience, brotherly deeds, and unparalleled passion for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.; you would support my campaign efforts and my desire to be your next District Director.
My campaign platform focuses on the message provided by of our 5th General President, Henry Lake Dickason 1914:
“Think Alpha Phi Alpha, talk Alpha Phi Alpha, promote Alpha Phi Alpha, and labor for the broad principles of idealism for which Alpha Phi Alpha was created, so that humanity shall look on us as a body worthwhile”
I will provide a path forward within a Strategic Plan that is designed to guide our evolution and hold ourselves accountable for our success. It will help us get our job done in new and better ways, attract and retain the talent we need for the future, and make an even greater contribution to our communities within the District of Alabama. Our District will formulate plans to fill gaps in service, outreach, and engagement of brothers and the community through innovative and strategic initiatives that support college brothers, senior brothers, and military/service members. Funding and incentivizing Alpha’s programs and initiatives to make Alabama chapters the highest performing areas within Alpha.
My Goals for the District of Alabama:
Line of Effort 1: Professionalism
Professionalism means conducting oneself with responsibility, integrity, accountability, and excellence in addition to communicating effectively and appropriately; always finding a way to be productive. Think Alpha Phi Alpha!!
Line of Effort 2: Verbalism
Our service demand brothers having a command of the relative knowledge and information when speaking of our great fraternity. Talk Alpha Phi Alpha!!
Line of Effort 3: Expand Visibility & Innovate Idealism
Expand visibility by strengthening our relationship within our communities across the District of Alabama. Promote Alpha Phi Alpha!!
Bro. Michael Raynard Mayberry Bio/Resume
Bro. Michael Raynard Mayberry
Bro. Mayberry Cashapp
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